Welcome to Southern Breeze Cart Rental LLC. Â
The Beaches first street legal electric golf cart rental company, family owned and operated since 2016!Â
Committed to providing our guests with a unique, environmentally green and memorable experience
for a day at the beach, vacation or special event!
Business Phone Hours
Monday - Saturday 10am - 4:00pm
Please leave a voice mail!
Sunday Closed
(with the exception of prior reservations)
Free concierge Delivery and Pick Up
for Atlantic, Neptune, Jacksonville Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach (from Solano Rd. north)
Why Rent A Southern Breeze Street Legal Cart?
Travel in style to a large variety of beach destinations!
Concierge cart delivery and pick up service to your location!
An exciting activity for family get-togethers and vacations!
Special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and holidays!
A unique way to shuttle your guests from parking locations to your event!
Corporate Meetings!
Realtor events!
Parade participation!
An economical alternative to purchasing and maintaining your own cart!
Just to explore and have fun!
All our electric carts are street legal and fall under the Florida Statutes as a Low Speed Vehicle. The carts are licensed and insured to be driven only on roadways with posted speed limits no greater than *35 mph.
*SBCR restricts the LSV to roads with a posted speed of 25 mph or less.
Maximum speed of the cart is 25 mph.
Each Low Speed Vehicle rental has the same required DOT features as any motorized vehicle licensed in the State of Florida:
Full DOT approved windshield
Seat belts
Rear and Side View Mirrors
Directional signals
Head lights, Tail and Brake Lights
Windshield Wiper
Driver's are responsible for the "Rules of the Road" when operating a street legal electric cart.
-Available exclusively for our Rental Guests-
Electric Charging Stations and
Free Parking
The Courtyard Shoppes
Located at 200 First Street,
Neptune Beach
Beaches Town Center
Visit where the locals hang out -
Live Music, Boutique shopping, local art,
fine coffees, deserts and bites
A common question we always get.... How far does the cart go on a single charge?
The best distance gauge is by miles and not hours. Our experience has seen a full cart charge last on average 28 miles which is a lot of driving around our beach community!! Of course, range will be affected by number, weight of passengers and driving habits. Cart comes equipped with an on-board charger and extension cord which can be plugged directly into a
standard dedicated household electrical outlet. Carts require nightly charging and
we always suggest that you keep the cart charging when not in use!
Please take advantage of our charging / parking station at
The Courtyard in Beaches Town Center.